Columns & Opinions



Success in business is often a combination of timing, determination, and imagination. One Houston businessman, Jesse H. Jones had all these qualities and an innate sense of enterprise to build a fortune that changed the landscape of Texas’s biggest city. Jones became a giant in Houston business circles, leading what became some of the state’s largest and most influential companies. While Jones became one of the most important businessmen in Texas, he also became one of a handful of Texans to ever serve in a presidential cabinet.

Hale visits Hughes office

Hale visits Hughes office

Paul Hale stopped by Senator Bryan Hughes’ office last week. He was greeted by Cass County’s own Garrit Blizzard who is part of Hughes’ staff this session. Garrit is a student at UT Austin, editor of the only conservative news coming out of this university, and working two days a week for our Senator.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551