
Are you Sinking?
Are you Sinking?

Are you Sinking?

When you feel that you’re going down for the third time Just remember, Jesus is always around. He will give you the life line. The devil will tell you the you are sinking, Cause he’ll lie to you without even blinking. Trust God and ride the waves. His voice will tell you, you are saved. Just hold onto Jesus hand, He’ll bring you thru on dry land. A land that flows with milk and honey, Where you can buy of Him without money. Jesus Christ is your sail, So you know, your ship will never fail. The world we’re living in is not thinking, Look! world can’t you see your sinking! Trust God and never stop! His children are standing on that solid rock. We will never sink!!!!

William E. Moore

William E. Moore

I became the wife of William E. Moore II or Sr., on October 22, 1925 at the Queen City Baptist Parsonage by Rev . J.D. Stringer. We spent our honey moon in Mt. Pleasant, the Dallas Fair and visited his sister Annie Threatt and family in Ft. Worth before settling in a “shot-gun house” on J.K. Hughes oil lease at Richland, Texas near Corsicana. My husband was a “rough neck” and later “gang pusher” there. The superintendent’s wife Vance Griffin Brewer and I drove a Model T-Ford, 1926 to Corsicana to buy furniture for our house, which had a stove (gas) and refrigerator. So for $45.00, I furnished our house hold needs at the second hand store. Our daughter, Evelyn, now Dr. Evelyn M. King, was born August 6, 1926, now Asst. Librarian Director at Texas A & M University at College Station, Texas. After two years we moved back to Moore’s farm and lived in the East two rooms of the old two story log house in 1927 . Twenty six relatives came home that summer and stayed a week while the land was being divided into seven 59 acre tracts. Some of the men and wives camped at night on the Sulphur River one mile away. Verna Moore, a sister-in-law, who ran a restaurant in Shawnee, Okla. , (Ced ‘s wife) made thirteen pies on a four eyed cast iron stove. We had one piece left after lunch. We built a four room frame house on our tract in January 1927, where we lived thirty eight years to 1965, when we moved to Atlanta, Texas. Our children still own this land . Francis Evelyn, born August 6, 1926 . Norma Ruth (Patman), born August 26, 1932. Hazel Clarice (Pelley), born January 11, 1934, William Eddins, Jr ., born March 11, 1941. Grandchildren: Brenda Jean Patman, born September 6, 1952. Cheryl Lynn Patman, born August 8, 1956. Belinda Suzanne Moore, born February 4, 1963 . Terry Ellen Moore, born October 2J, 1964. Chris Kelley Moore, born December 27, 1968. Great grandchildren: Chuck Ray Johnson, born February 2, 1972, di ed December 25, 1973. Jerry ·Ray Johnson , b. February 2, 1976. Jason Ryan Johnson, born July 14, 1980. Sons-in-laws: Jeff King, deceased; James Harold Patman; Carl Woody Pelley. Daughter-in-law: Sue Ellen Wadsworth Moore. Grand sons-in-law : Jerry Ray John- ‘ son (Brenda ‘s ). David Arthur Swanson (Cheryl’s) -- By Clarice Burkhalter Moore


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Atlanta, TX 75551