I became the wife of William E. Moore II or Sr., on October 22, 1925 at the Queen City Baptist Parsonage by Rev . J.D. Stringer. We spent our honey moon in Mt. Pleasant, the Dallas Fair and visited his sister Annie Threatt and family in Ft. Worth before settling in a “shot-gun house” on J.K. Hughes oil lease at Richland, Texas near Corsicana. My husband was a “rough neck” and later “gang pusher” there. The superintendent’s wife Vance Griffin Brewer and I drove a Model T-Ford, 1926 to Corsicana to buy furniture for our house, which had a stove (gas) and refrigerator. So for $45.00, I furnished our house hold needs at the second hand store. Our daughter, Evelyn, now Dr. Evelyn M. King, was born August 6, 1926, now Asst. Librarian Director at Texas A & M University at College Station, Texas. After two years we moved back to Moore’s farm and lived in the East two rooms of the old two story log house in 1927 . Twenty six relatives came home that summer and stayed a week while the land was being divided into seven 59 acre tracts. Some of the men and wives camped at night on the Sulphur River one mile away. Verna Moore, a sister-in-law, who ran a restaurant in Shawnee, Okla. , (Ced ‘s wife) made thirteen pies on a four eyed cast iron stove. We had one piece left after lunch. We built a four room frame house on our tract in January 1927, where we lived thirty eight years to 1965, when we moved to Atlanta, Texas. Our children still own this land . Francis Evelyn, born August 6, 1926 . Norma Ruth (Patman), born August 26, 1932. Hazel Clarice (Pelley), born January 11, 1934, William Eddins, Jr ., born March 11, 1941. Grandchildren: Brenda Jean Patman, born September 6, 1952. Cheryl Lynn Patman, born August 8, 1956. Belinda Suzanne Moore, born February 4, 1963 . Terry Ellen Moore, born October 2J, 1964. Chris Kelley Moore, born December 27, 1968. Great grandchildren: Chuck Ray Johnson, born February 2, 1972, di ed December 25, 1973. Jerry ·Ray Johnson , b. February 2, 1976. Jason Ryan Johnson, born July 14, 1980. Sons-in-laws: Jeff King, deceased; James Harold Patman; Carl Woody Pelley. Daughter-in-law: Sue Ellen Wadsworth Moore. Grand sons-in-law : Jerry Ray John- ‘ son (Brenda ‘s ). David Arthur Swanson (Cheryl’s) -- By Clarice Burkhalter Moore