Marvin Nichols Reservoir - A Proposal Dead in the Water
Cass County Judge Travis Ransom
Cass County Judge Travis Ransom
The big youth group for the recent Maker’s Market seems to be having as good a time being together as they are raising funds for youth group camp.The some 25 people pictured are members of Christian Fellowship Church in Queen City. To have this food for the public and as a fund raiser, some members stayed up all night getting ready, tells Pastor Ben Aquirre. The hand-written sign at the center of the table says, “Send a kid to camp. Support our youth group.”
Atlanta ISD announced on their social media page that they had “received 900 pounds of 95% lean, grassfed Texas beef from Pryor Cattle Co., thanks to the Texas Department of Agriculture and USDA’s Local Foods for Schools grant program.
Early voting begins Monday in the upcoming primary elections. According to the PEW Research Center, the last three general elections were among the highest in history.
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