Protest draws small crowd
Keta Lawson, the daughter of Robert Lawson of Atlanta, organized a peaceful protest to support the Queen City High School football players who choose to kneel during the National Anthem at the August 28 game against Linden-Kildare. About 20 people gathered for two hours Saturday, Sept. 5 in downtown Atlanta at the Plaza on Main. A march around the block ended at Veterans Memorial Plaza.
Queen City Homecoming King & Queen
Queen City crowned Connor Alexander and Maddy Parker Homecoming king and queen last Friday night. Photo by Phyllis Warren
Avinger woman found safe
The Marion County Sheriff ’s Office said last Wednesday that 46-yearold Kimberly Leila Pickard has been found safe.
Linden Lions Club
Linden Lions Club met Thursday, Aug. 3 for their weekly meeting. This week’s special guest speaker was Derek Simmons who gave an exciting talk about Linden-Kildare sports.