Atlanta prepares for school year 2020
Atlanta ISD has been very busy establishing plans to open its doors safely. A variety of the following explanations are being used where applicable at all four campuses.
All students in grades 4-12 will wear masks and all staff will wear masks. When students are dropped off in the mornings by their parents or a school bus, handwashing will be required as they enter the building. Breakfast will be a grab and go style at the primary and elementary campuses. All students are eligible for a free breakfast. Lunch cafeteria times will use a rotating schedule to limit the number of students so that social distancing guidelines can be observed. Cafeterias have markers on the floors and tables for students to follow. Parents/guardians will not be allowed to visit their student for lunch to avoid overcrowding during the first six weeks period.
Students will follow one way traffic signs when walking in hallways. This traffic pattern is already familiar to most of our students. When students visit the library on their campus, they will follow social distancing guidelines. In addition, library books returned by a student will be held 48 hours before being returned to shelf. Restroom usage will be limited to a certain number of students and will be cleaned throughout each day.
All students in Atlanta ISD will be given a reusable water bottle on the first day of school. Water refilling stations are available on all campuses for students to refill their water throughout the day.
Atlanta ISD is dedicated to providing excellent health services. Each campus, has a registered nurse on staff.
They have helped to develop safety protocols which are posted on the website and will continue to provide outstanding care for our students and staff.
Sanitizing and cleaning will be the priority for custodians and bus drivers. They will be working harder than ever to keep buildings and buses as safe as possible.
This year AISD will be offering face to face instruction as well as remote at home learning. The instruction your child will receive will be the same whether you’ve chosen remote or face to face.
The goal is to ensure that when your child returns to campus that they will make a smooth transition into face to face learning and can pick right up where they left off at home!