It’s Official!
T his week I filed official documents with the Republican Party to be a candidate for the Texas House of Representatives in House District 1 which includes all of Bowie, Cass, Lamar, Morris, and Red River counties.
Atlanta Hometown Christmas
Atlanta’s downtown was turned into a fairly tale for a few hours Saturday.
Atlanta High School DECA students attend DECA Day
On Nov. 15, Atlanta High School DECA students attended DECA Day at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. Students were given the opportunity to tour the stadium and play a little football on the Cowboys’ field.
House Texas House District One Race
The race for Texas House District One (HD1) is heating up as the candidate count for the position rises to four. Republican State Representative Gary VanDeaver has held the position since 2015 and is running for reelection in what will likely be a hotly contested and expensive race which is emblematic of the schism that currently divides the Republican Party of Texas.