
Rotary Reflections 2022
Rotary Reflections 2022

Rotary Reflections 2022

One of the seven primary focus points for Rotary International is basic education and literacy. Our Club has helped to sponsor the Atlanta Public Library’s summer reading program for years. Some times, as in this year, we are a bit behind the “8-ball” in getting the money to them, but we do come through! And Kendra Harrell has promised that this $500 check will go to next summer’s program (and maybe next year’s contribution will be a bit more timely!)

Cole Clements

Cole Clements

Lieutenant Colonel Cole Clements, AHS Class of 1999, graduated from Texas A&M and was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer in 2003. After attending The Basic School for Marine officers in Quantico, Virginia, Clements completed the Infantry Officer Course, which trains newly selected infantry and ground intelligence officers in the knowledge, skills, and leadership required to serve as infantry platoon commanders in the rifle company and to provide advanced employment and training considerations of weapons company platoons.


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