But the Lord
We all have a “but God” testimony. A time in our life when if it hadn’t been for God, we wouldn’t have made it. Genesis 8:1 says, and God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark; and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided.
At a recent meeting, Mark Epperson Chapter United States Daughters
At a recent meeting, Mark Epperson Chapter United States Daughters of 1812 members Merle Duncan, Nancy Belford, and Tammie Duncan Blackburn (pictured left to right) celebrated the approval of their supplemental applications on additional War of 1812 veterans.
Hit Us With Your Best Shot
If you live in Cass County, you are eligible to submit your photos, along with description, to: for a chance to have your photo printed in the newspaper! Photos must be at least 1 MB in size and in focus. No nudity or lewd images will be accepted. Winning photo will be judged on content, concept, lighting and clarity.
Bessie Coleman Fly-in is Saturday
On June 12 the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce will have the honor of hosting the Bessie Coleman Fly-in at Hall-Miller Municipal Airport. The event is a natural fit since Atlanta, Texas can make the claim no other city can - we are the birthplace of Bessie Coleman, the first female African American, and Native American pilot to become internationally licensed to fly. June 15, 2021 will mark a century’s passing since Bessie earned her wings.