Locale is the only known fact
The concrete post in front of Linden City Hall with its metal tag may not be the black monolith of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” but it has its own mystery.
The concrete post in front of Linden City Hall with its metal tag may not be the black monolith of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” but it has its own mystery.
Tammy Thompson Presents The 15th Annual Gathering of Authors, Featuring Todd & Colton Burpo, the family behind the movie HEAVEN IS FOR REAL.
It has been announced that “Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) Executive Director Tim Lee is making his way around the great state of Texas to speak at several local chapter meetings and district fall conferences.” One stop will be Queen City. Tuesday, September 10 in Queen City the local chapter of the TRTA will welcome the Executive Director of the local District 8. He will share the latest news for TRTA members and answer any questions that are of concern.
Readers' Choice Best People and Places is over for 2024. The contest ended on August 9, at 10:00 p.m. We have finished counting and are beginning to visit area businesses.
306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551