Columns & Opinions
Morris Upchurch Middle
School in conjunction with the Atlanta and Queen City VFW sponsored the Patriot’s Pen essay writing contest. The Patriot’s Pen contest is an essay competition sponsored by the VFW nationwide which gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy with the prospect of winning U.S. Savings Bonds. Students were judged on their understanding, development, and presentation of the theme “What Is Patriotism to Me?” The following students were named as winners of the local contest: sixth grade-Teagen Droddy, seventh grade-Ryan Raines and Sallie Mc- Creery, eighth grade –Laynee Robison and Vincent Wong . Each student was awarded a prize of $50.00. They will advance to the regional level where their essays will be judged once again, and if chosen, will be forwarded on to the state level and then national level with the chance of winning a $5,000 U.S. savings bond. The staff and students of Morris Upchurch Middle School appreciate the opportunity to work with the VFW to help students increase their understanding of the importance of honoring our Veterans.
Students in Mrs. Sutton’s
Students in Mrs. Sutton’s 3rd grade math class wrapped up a unit on 3-D Shapes with “Show & Tell” and 3-D snacks on Thursday.
Members of the QCHS
Members of the QCHS Interact Club and GT program assisted the staff of the Runnin WJ Ranch on Wednesday. Student volunteers helped organize and repackage products to be shipped to the coast and donated to those in need.
He told me to tell you that...
Happy Thanksgiving or if you are reading this after Thursday, I hope you had a great holiday?!