It’s a Great Day to be a Rabbit!
We are so proud of these AES students for being chosen by their teachers as this week’s Class Representatives. Third Graders: Andre Hunter, Audrey Benson, Arabella Ballard, Evan Stewart, Chole Cook, Jordyn Crenshaw, and Katherine Benitez. Fourth Graders: Addyson Wall, A.J. Wall, Landri Endsley, Afrian Alaniz, Ayrhianna Henderson, Adlee Holderbaugh, and Abigail Rabe. Fifth Graders: Josh Petrofsky, Isaiah Young, Presley Everett, Zachery Hernandez, Menace Lloyd, and Cameryn Morris.
Preach the Truth
Paul at Ephesus....This is a certainty. Savage wolves came to wreak havoc on the flock (sheep). Be on guard for yourselves and for them. After my departure savage wolves will come in not sparing the flock and from among your own selves men will arise speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore be on alert.
Huffman joins Oklahoma State DVM Program
Oklahoma State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine recently welcomed the class of 2024. Among the 106 students was Sarah Huffman of Atlanta, Texas. Huffman earned a BS degree in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M University. She is the daughter of Charles and Pamela Huffman of Atlanta.
Local musician succumbs to COVID-19
Local music lovers are mourning the death of Crooked Halo bassist Kenny Attaway. He died August 27 in a Texarkana hospital after being hospitalized the previous week for COVID-19. It was noted that he was also a diabetic.